Ownership Policy

  1. Copyright: Tube Anime owns all original content, including articles, reviews, recommendations, photos, videos, and other materials. The website’s design, layout, and visuals.
  2. Third-Party Content: Tube Anime sometimes uses photos, videos, and snippets from other sources with fair use or credit. Third-party content owners retain ownership and copyright.
  3. User Submissions: You own your Tube Anime comments, feedback, recommendations, and contributions. However, by submitting material, you offer Tube Anime a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, and permanent license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, and distribute it in any manner.
  4. Trademarks: Tube Anime owns its name, logo, and other trademarks and service marks on the website. These trademarks are illegal to use.
  5. Linking and Sharing: You may share Tube Anime links on social media, websites, and other digital outlets. However, Tube Anime must seek explicit authorization before reproducing or republishing our material.
  6. Copyright Infringement: Tube Anime respects intellectual property. Please notify us if you think your copyrighted work was utilized on our website without permission.
  7. Tube Anime follows copyright and IP rules. Users and visitors must follow these laws.
  8. Tube Anime retains the right to change this Ownership Policy at any moment without warning. Changes posted here take effect immediately. Review this policy often for updates.

Please email web@tubeanime.com with any ownership policy inquiries.

Tube Anime users accept this Ownership Policy.

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